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Date: January-March 2025

Place: online


Join and meet other YDN members during the online meetings of working groups. The working groups is the format that YDN proposes as a platform to meet and exchange for the professionals from all around the globe. Every member of YDN can propose a working group on the proposed topic, get the feedback on it from the YDN Core Group and start the meetings that will gather people around chosen topics. Between January and March 2025, there will be 4 different working groups meetings:

  1. Dance In Schools,

  2. Choreographic And Performing Practices In Dance For Young Audience,

  3. Writing About Dance And Choreography For Young Audience,

  4. How To Program Dance For Children And Young People.


Are you a YDN member wishing to meet other professionals during working groups meetings? Click here to see a more detailed schedule.

Are you a YDN member that wishes to start the new working group? Write to us!

Are you a professional one the field of dance for young audiences and would like to connect with others? Join YDN!


  • ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2025

Date: March 23 -29, 2025

Place: Marseille (France)


Join us and the whole ASSITEJ International community during the yearly meeting of the association. ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering (AAG) will be an occasion to meet members of Yong Dance Network during numerous activities: General Assembly, Good Morning Ideas, Good Evening Ideas, the meeting of the ASSITEJ Networks as well as meeting of the several YDN working groups. It will be an occasion to get to know each other more, exchange, dance and think together! The detailed schedule of YDN presence on ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2025 will be available soon.


More info about ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2025.

More info about the working groups. â€‹â€‹



Date: 29.08.2024 at 12:55

Place: Düsseldorf (Germany)


Join us and other the networks for a drink and snack and have an opportunity to meet artists, programmers, and producers specialising in dance for young audiences. This informal networking event will be kicked off by brief insights into the work of take off - Junger Tanz (tanzhaus nrw), Tandem Works – Independent Producer, Explore Dance, The Place (London) and the Young Dance Network (ASSITEJ International). No registration needed.


"The Future of Dance for Young Audiences" is an informal event co-hosted by - Junger Tanz and Tandem Works. We meet on the 29 August 2024, at 12.55. Meeting Point is the entrance of tanzhaus nrw. Event location: Capitol Building (next door to tanzhaus). The Stage School Academy.



Final date to apply: Send us your application before September 1st 2024


Every two years, ASSITEJ Germany organizes this event for TYA artists from all over the world. The next edition of DIRECTORS IN TYA will take place from the 22nd to the 29th of June 2025, at FUNDUS THEATER in Hamburg


Topic: Reassembling the world: Intergenerational and international alliances in TYA.

How can artistic practices connect audiences from around the world? What message would the children from your local community send to a group of adult artists? How can intergenerational and international alliances inspire our TYA practice?



date: 24.05.2024-1.06.2024
place: Havana, Cuba
partner: ASSITEJ Cuba and ASSITEJ International


ASSITEJ Cuba and ASSITEJ International, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the National Council for the Performing Arts in Cuba invite you to the 21st ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival for Children & Young People (2024) in Cuba – the most important global moment in the field of theatre and performing arts for young audiences with participation from all around the world.


It is essential to think of the world and art as the communion of different voices full of nuance. The children and youth of the world are increasingly demanding more spaces for poetic expression, where they can make the art they practice a tool for real transformation. It is up to artists to hear the emerging voices and give them the space they need. Our Congress seeks to empower their points of view through performances, dialogues, panels, and interdisciplinary encounters.


YDN will be present with different activities, but first of all, will be there to meet and exchange with all the members, as well as the international and Cuban community of ASSITEJ interested in topics related to dance.


We have 2 INVITATIONS / CALL for YDN Members, to encourage interaction and exchanges amongst local & international communities:


1. Good Morning Ideas.

OPEN CALL is now open (link): We are looking for YDN members that are interested to share a practice, a warm-up, or a crafted way to start the day together, in movement. Sessions shall be accessible and open to all levels and all ages, and shall be 45 minutes in duration.  A facilitator from YDN will be paired up with a dance practitioner from Cuba to co-lead one session together.


2. Dancing Kitchen

is an instant composition event, a 3 hours session task-based game that invites professionals in the field of art for young audiences to improvise together a metaphoric meal, confronting different ideas we have of similar elements we use in creations. ‘’Dancing Kitchen’’ is planned for the 26th of May. Here an INVITATION is open (link), please register asap.


YDN General Assembly is a moment to gather all the members and finally have a time to meet, exchange and get an update on what the Network is doing. An in-person event for all network members attending the congress on the 25th of May. 


Additionally, we are organizing a meeting about How to program dance for young people and children. In this 1-hour session, we invite artists and programmers to build a reflection on the methodologies and strategies for programming dance for young audiences. This will happen on the 26th of May, and will be moderated by Giovanna Palmieri.


For this World Congress, we have a collaboration with the Goethe Institut and ASSITEJ Germany, offering more activities in which YDN will be involved :

1. WORKSHOP “How do we create and produce performing arts for and with young people?!” Practitioners from ASSITEJ Germany and Young Dance Network will introduce different methods, styles and topics as well as work for and with different age groups, starting with very young children.

2. SEMINAR “Dancing Words” will invite professionals in the field of dance to practice a theoretical reflection on dance for a young audience with a focus on participatory work. Contributions will be held by members of Young Dance Network; the format invites all participants to be part of the open verbal exchange. 

3. SPEED DATING program organized by the Festival Retazos from Habana, Cuba. We hope to use the time in Cuba to generate an exchange between the 3 different communities meeting ; the local one, the YDN members, and the international.


Join our activities and let’s meet!!


contact persons: Azalea Lopez, Alfredo Zinola​



deadline: May 31st 2024 


We are looking for three YDN members who are performers to participate in the next Rounds of the BABEL Project. One member will be selected per Path, and the participants must be available and commit to attend both weeks of each Paths. Both workshops included in one path are a continuous process and it is important that the group stays the same for the whole duration. Travels are reimbursed up until 350 euros, accommodation and food are covered. 


A little more about BABEL Project : A European large scale cooperation project, that pursues the rights of children and youth to full cultural citizenship, and it aims to investigate the communication process, intercultural dialogue, and mutual understanding in TYA and more extensively the Performing Arts for Young Audiences. There is a total of 16 intensive weeks of artistic work encounters, where performing artists from different language communities directed by artistic facilitators will interact in the studio and on stage with other artists and the audience through creative and experimental workshops. 


Be part of this unifying experience ! 


How to apply : Send a CV, a motivation letter and a photo to youngdancenetwork[at] by May 31st 2024. 

Please mention the Path you are applying for. More details in the calendar link.



  • Presentation of YDN + workshop during Bravo Festival in Finland  


date: 18.03.2024, 16:00-17:30

place: Helsinki, Finland at Annantalo (Annankatu 30, Helsinki)

partner: Bravo - kansainvälinen esittävän taiteen festivaali lapsille ja nuorille


MEET Young Dance Network in HELSINKI in the frame of professional program of Bravo - kansainvälinen esittävän taiteen festivaali lapsille ja nuorille organized and conducted by ASSITEJ FINNLAND !

Moderation by Sanja Tropp Frühwald , YDN Core Group member


International ASSITEJ’s sub-network’s meeting/workshop is open to anyone interested in dance productions for young audiences. Come meet international and Finnish dance professionals in a relaxed get-together!

Please register by sending e-mail to​



date: 20.-25.11.2023
place: Novi Sad and Belgrade, Serbia
partner: ASSITEJ Serbia and ASSITEJ International

The ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2023 took place in two Serbian cities Novi Sad and Belgrade under the title “Turning point". YDN was collaborating with ASSITEJ Serbia and FAS festival with professional program contributions. Preparations were made by a YDN working group open for all members of YDN. Three professional applications were submitted. 


  1. Central program focus which was planned in the program of AAG was granted (not a part of the selection process of ASSITEJ Serbia) - YDN General Meeting. The 3 hours event was reserved for our members only (onsite and online) took place on the 23rd of November, and was moderated by YDN core members. 

  2. YDN collaboration with the local dance community (selected by ASSITEJ Serbia) took the form of 45 minutes "YDN Meets & Greets" session included in the Open Market Day on the 24th of November, moderated by YDN core members. 

  3. "Good morning ideas" - 3 warm up / wake up sessions open for everybody (45 minutes long), selected by ASSITEJ Serbia. The open call for propositions was announced to all the YDN members, with the suggestion to build each worm up in the pear to pear format by two different members, to create a possibility to meet and exchange. 3 propositions were submitted through the open call, and 3 accepted by YDN core group. Good morning ideas took place between 21st and 23rd of November.


The AAG Serbia 2024 was also an opportunity to meet, discuss and exchange with other ASSITEJ networks as well as ASSITEJ International board and community. 





date: 30.09-3.10.2023

place: Poznań / Poland

partner: Children's Art Center
Contemporary dance and choreography for children and young people are in a state of rapid development, both in Poland and around the world. At the Children’s Art Center, we observe this trend with great curiosity and appreciate the potential of these arts to create valuable encounters with young viewers and broaden reflection on performing arts for children. That is why we decided to dedicate the second edition of the Forum on performing arts for young audiences to this very topic.


During the first two days of the event we will present four Polish performances aimed at children and families (the performance program - scroll down for English). The following two days will be the discursive part (1-3.10), with the program including international panel discussions, performative lectures, workshop activities and working group meetings, one of those will be lead by Young Dance Network (the discursive part program). 


The cost of accreditation in the amount of EUR 45 (PLN 200) includes admission to 4 performances, stay in a hotel with breakfast for 3 nights and lunches. It is also possible to come for one or two days if you prefer. If you are interested in coming to Poznań, please fill in the form.


The event is addressed to people who feel connected with contemporary dance, choreography for young audiences, feel connected with contemporary theater and performing arts for young audiences, implement interdisciplinary projects in which dance and choreography play an important role, want to be involved in the development of the environment related to contemporary dance and choreography for children and young people, discover dance and choreography for themselves as an area of professional interest, are looking for inspiration for creative activities. It will be also an occasion for a presentation a meeting of the YDN.



YDN Meetings and Events at Stella Festival 2022


Sat 01 October 15-18
YDN Artistic encounter Teil 1

Sun 02 October 16-18
YDN Artistic encounter Teil 2

In the field of dance for young audiences, approaches to creation and aesthetics vary. In this diverse field, questions that are worked out together are helpful for future projects or can spark interest in discovering this target group for oneself. The goal of this format is to create a space where these questions can be shared and thus approach the topic of dance for young audiences one step closer.
Moderation: Alfredo Zinola (YDN)
With contributions by: Sanja Frühwald (YDN), Gabi dan Droste (YDN), Thalia Laric
(YDN), Lars Garpenfeldt (YDN), Giovanna Palmieri (YDN), Katharina Senk,
Andras Mescericz, Gat Goodovitch Pletzer, Elda Gallo


Sun 2 Oct. 18.30 – 19.30
Young Dance network Open Circle

Who couldn’t come before can join now, say hi, ask questions and meet the members of the Young Dance Network.


Sun 2 Oct. 19.30 – 21.00
YDN Get together

After some days of meeting this event is meant as a simple informal moment to get to know each other, to facilitate encounter and to drink a glass together.


Tue 03 Oct. 14:00 – 17:00
Workshop – Physical Dramaturgy

Workshop Leader: Gabi Dan Droste.


Tue 04 Oct. 14:00 – 17:00
Workshop – Get Out

Workshop Leader: Ceren Oran


Tue 04 Oct. YDN Assembly online
The YDN is opening up. This meeting is a first step to present the activities that has been already done and that will be done by the YDN.


 Click here for more information.



Young Dance Network is at Visioni Festival / Bologna

Thursday October 28 in the frame of the Visioni Festival 2021 at the Testoni Ragazzi theater in Bologna there will be a day of meetings and conversations between delegates, artists and presenters focused on dance for children organized by the Assitej Young Dance Network in collaboration with the Festival “Visions of the future, visions of theater 2021”, organized by La Baracca-Testoni Ragazzi of Bologna with the partnership of the Assitej Small Size Network.

This is the first organized exchange of experiences between dance and theatre professionals doing works for young audiences for the purpose of asking questions and stimulating a dialogue between different languages and expressions of dance for young audiences (DYA).


Click here to see the invitation and details.



Tokyo Assitej International World Congress 22-31 March.


26. March. 2021 15:30 (GMT) Round Table Young Dance Network

This Round Table is organised to present the new Young Dance Network’s new Website, as well as to talk about where we stand on the path of constructing the network at this moment. Gabi Dan Droste and Ceren Oran will lead the session, which will conclude with a Q&A session.


Format: Online via Zoom

Duration: 45 Minutes

Moderation: Ceren Oran & Gabi Dan Droste


Register here



30. March. 2021 08:00 (GMT) Coffee Session 

What do we know about Dance for Young Audiences and what is still a mystery? Why do we define our work as “Dance”, as opposed to “Theatre” or “Performance Art”? Is that distinction even important? Join Nicola Elliott and Alfredo Zinola for this Coffee Session as we thrash out these ideas from opposite ends of the globe. Through talking to artists from The Young Dance Network, and getting your input, we’ll be teasing out ideas on this topic and hearing different voices in preparation for a wider conference at the official launch of The Young Dance Network.


Format: Online via Zoom

Duration: 1,5 Hours

Moderation:  Nicola Elliot & Alfredo Zinola


Register here



30. March. 2021 14:00 (GMT) Round Table Dramaturgy in Dance for Young Audiences

Contemporary Dance Art for Young Audiences is at an early stage of development. In conversations about Dance productions, colleagues often demand a conversation about quality and express the need for an exchange on dramaturgy – but it does not seem clear what exactly should be talked about. Existing reflections and discussions are limited to just a few often repeated topics, such as the “abstract vs. narration” debate, or how Dance dramaturgy links to Theatre-based dramaturgy. Working in Dance for Young Audiences means grappling with seemingly unorganised and unprocessed questions about methodology, self-image, working methods, transferability of other discipline’s bodies of knowledge, and the specifics of Dance as an Art form (can Dance be made specifically for young audiences or is dance ageless?). We want to initiate a conversation about these topics. We start with sharing our questions and our different approaches: How do you work? Are there Dance or other traditions you refer to? What is your understanding of dramaturgy? Do you need a dramaturg to work with? Doing so will help us to get to know each other and to broaden our collective perspectives.


Format: Online via Zoom

Duration: 45 Minutes

Moderation: Gabi Dan Droste & Sanja Frühwald


Register here


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